Eric's Blog

Script - Using SCCM and MDT task sequence variables in PowerShell

September 22, 2015

Just the code

Get TSEnv instance

$ts = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment 

Read a variable

$foo = $ts.Value("Foo")

Set or create a variable

$ts.Value("Bar") = $bar

Get all of the variables

$ts.GetVariables() | ForEach-Object {
	New-Object psobject -Property @{

Write a subset of the variables to a JSON file

Building on the last snippet we can write that to a JSON file on disk.

$ts.GetVariables() `
| Where-Object {$_ -notlike "_*"} `
| ForEach-Object {
	New-Object psobject -Property @{
} `
| ConvertTo-Json `
| Set-Content 'tsVariables.json'

Read the variables back, and update them from the JSON file

$json = Get-Content 'tsVariables.json' | ConvertFrom-Json
$json | ForEach-Object {$ts.Value($_.Name) = $_.Value}

Eric Haskins

Written by Eric Haskins, maker of things.